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Where we work

Our geografical focus:
The Miombo Woodlands in Sofala, Central Mozambique

Miombo 500 

A program to preserve and develop 500.000 hectares of Miombo Woodland in Mozambique by maximizing its sustainable economic value.

Who we are

LevasFlor Lda., a Mozambican private FSC-certified forestry company is currently developing the Miombo 500 project.  The goal: To halt deforestation and increase forest restoration on over 500.000 hectares through the creation of a large number of forestry-generated private sector jobs and livelihoods for the people living in the area. The focus of LevasFlor Lda. will be on the development of a landscape-wide Carbon Project and the establishment of forest-related business cases. 

The Foundation will be the main pillar to build a broader alliance for the sustainable use of miombo forests,  for community empowerment and development of small to medium-scale community-based businesses. The Carbon Project will fund part of the Foundations activities. 


What we do

We aim to eradicate extreme poverty in all communities living or depending on over 500.000 hectares of miombo forests by 2028 through the support of sustainable agriculture techniques, establish alternative livelihoods and enhance the nature conservation of the Miombo ecosystems.